Final Week

My final week was spent with time on my hands. When I have time on my hands I usually work on things that I want to happen but not what I am here to do.

One of these things was to think more about the replacement of the small old mission house that has been the LCCN Deaf Center office since it was started over 20 years ago.

What I came up with was a three room building with a large covered veranda or porch.  The veranda will provide a larger area for outside activity with it is raining. The current veranda roof leaks and is not very stable. I sized it such that if more classrooms are needed, two can be constructed under the roof for a minimum of expenses. 

My week has not quite ended. I was suppose to be almost home right now. Instead I am sitting in the Rockview Royal Hotel in Abuja. I flew to Abuja Thursday morning. Sat around the Abuja International Airport the rest of the day. I was scheduled to fly Air France at 11 PM to Paris. The plane was coming from Port Harcourt. After it left Port Harcourt it started to rain in Abuja. As they approached Abuja we were having thunderstorms. The waited and waited. Finally, they flew to Lagos and on to Paris. By 2 AM Friday morning I was bused to the Hotel and told Air France would call me with my re-booked flights. I was not high on the list. By the time they got to me the next flight out of Abuja was going to be Sunday night. I would get home Monday. 

Instead I chose to buy my own way to Lagos on Saturday and fly on Delta out of Lagos late Saturday night and get home Sunday Morning. 

The Lutheran Gospel Singers ended their convention on Sunday morning. Saturday was when the churches gave their presentations. I went over a watched presentation.

The crowds were thick around the perimeter of the area. The best view came from high up if you were not in the front row.

Sunday they were packing and overloading their trucks. All day Sundays people were leaving in small groups. Some of the trucks made multiple trips.
By Sunday evening all that was left was all the plastic and the rocks they used for their cooking fires. For the next few days a small group of young men picked up the compound. 

Sunday morning I attended the Church for the Deaf. This young man was chosen to sign the first reading.

Naomi Adamu Gisilande has written a history of the Women's Fellowship. I am bringing a stack of them with me for
people in the US and in Denmark.


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