
Final Week

My final week was spent with time on my hands. When I have time on my hands I usually work on things that I want to happen but not what I am here to do. One of these things was to think more about the replacement of the small old mission house that has been the LCCN Deaf Center office since it was started over 20 years ago. What I came up with was a three room building with a large covered veranda or porch.  The veranda will provide a larger area for outside activity with it is raining. The current veranda roof leaks and is not very stable. I sized it such that if more classrooms are needed, two can be constructed under the roof for a minimum of expenses.  My week has not quite ended. I was suppose to be almost home right now. Instead I am sitting in the Rockview Royal Hotel in Abuja. I flew to Abuja Thursday morning. Sat around the Abuja International Airport the rest of the day. I was scheduled to fly Air France at 11 PM to Paris. The plane was coming from Port Harcourt. Af

Week three plus

I have six days left in Nigeria. Today is Friday the thirteenth. The featured event scheduled for this week was a trip to the village of Sokoron in the high hills north across the Benue River. Unfortunately, due to security concerns the trip was cancelled. This area has always been known for having thieves that would create roadblocks and extort money. But now there are groups of people, some call "Fulani Herdsmen", who on mass, with weapons have attacked villages, killed people, stolen cows and anything they think of value. I think they are just thieves and robbers. On the Google Earth photo below, the red line is the dirt road from the highway to Sokoron. This is the longest part of the trip. Sokoron is located in a complex geology. Several boreholes were drilled in the area and they all were dry. They were what we call "Political Boreholes". A politician comes to town and promises the government will drill a borehole. He arranges for a "so called driller&

Second Week Summary

I am now at the middle of my third week of my trip to Nigeria. It is Saturday morning. I am eating breakfast of oatmeal, cup of milk (from powder), tea, and malaria pill. I forgot to put the raisins in the oatmeal. Last night to make my curried rice with sardines in tomato sauce, I opened the minced dried garlic and the ground ginger, I brought with me last. After I finished cooking I put them back in the zip lock bag with other spices and my earl grey tea. The garlic cap was not fully closed. This morning when I opened the bag to get some tea I had a distinct garlic odor. About a half teaspoon of garlic was loose in the bag. The tea are sealed in foil pouches. I took out the open spices and put them with my other spice on the shelf. They are in the identical shaker bottles that the cinnamon I use in my oatmeal is in. Garlic or Ginger oatmeal just does not seem to appetizing.  Outside my house, men are busy setting up shade canopies. They will get decorated and rugs, tables,